'Using cellphones since all they did was make calls... barely'

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Use bluetooth internet on your 7610\6670\3230\626

Previously this wasn't possible due to Nokia not allowing the bluetooth serial port on these phones, however, there is a tutorial (i haven't tried this myself as yet) http://www.techpakistan.com/forum/s...p=1971#post1971 Nokia 6630 users should try and let us know if this works.

Use bluetooth internet on your 7610\6670\3230\626

Previously this wasn't possible due to Nokia not allowing the bluetooth serial port on these phones, however, there is a tutorial (i haven't tried this myself as yet) http://www.techpakistan.com/forum/s...p=1971#post1971 Nokia 6630 users should try and let us know if this works.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


aah.. 3 months since i hadn't touched this writing space.. Hello everyone! This feels so good.. *ahem* anyway, back to work.. wondering why the last post was 3 months ago.. well i bet you are.. anyway.. its all because of techpakistan.com, my latest online venture and effort in educating the pakistani community about technology and giving them an online community like no other! dedicated to technology in Pakistan! so all you guys, give it a visit and comment about the improvments needed and everything.. also, join and be an active member! :)